• 03/14/2025

Avoid These Common Causes of Faucet Leaks

Leaks can spring all over your house. Wherever water actively moves, such as in pipes, or comes in contact with the outdoors, such as along the foundation, there is the potential for water to breakthrough. We noticed many leaks in our customers’ sinks, especially in their faucets. We are always happy to help if the leak gives you trouble, but there are some causes of faucet leaks that you can try to avoid. Read on to learn about the most common faucet leaks.

Broken Seals

Seals that protect valves in and out (known as inlet and outlet seals) of your faucet have a significant impact on controlling the water flow. As with most parts, seals wear out over time due to sediment buildup. A worn seal is not an effective seal. Fix the issue by replacing the seal or having a plumber flush out the sediment. 

Parts that Have Become Loose

Two parts in the stem screw shake loose with extended time and heavy use, the packing nuts and adjusting ring. When loose, these parts cause the faucet to leak. When the base of the faucet has water dripping or pooling, tighten or replace the packing nut then recheck after a few days. 

Changes in Water Pressure

Do you notice leaks that only come at some times during the day but not at other times? You may have uneven water pressure. When your water pressure surges, water can back up and try to release any way it can – sometimes through your faucets. Water pressure is a more complicated issue, so contact a certified plumber to inspect and handle the problem.

Plumbing in the Area is Broken

Broken plumbing could be your problem if you replaced the O-Ring and verified the water pressure is under control. Continuous use and age can crack fixtures, which leads to a leaky faucet. The best way to solve broken fixtures is to have a professional plumber take care of it.

Corrosion from Sediment Buildup

One of the biggest contributors to a leaking faucet is corrosion. Corrosion in a faucet comes from sediment building up. We have most often found the issue in the faucet connections or the valve seat. Regularly cleaning out the sediment prevents this problem. 

Kelly Plumbing and Leak Detection works with residential and commercial clients to stop leaks and keep your water flowing smoothly and safely. Give us a call at 972-774-8722 to schedule a repair or right away for emergency service.